Heavy Burden 

How does Sisyphus feel as he climbs to the top of the mountain? Tired from the weight of the stone, the scorching sun, and the steep climbs, he nevertheless continues on his way up. What awaits him there? 



"Beginning to think is beginning to be undermined" wrote Albert Camus, and it is hard to disagree with this. To contemplate one's life means to knock oneself down, to stop, to begin to go over one's experiences, to discard the superfluous and unnecessary, to destroy the old in the hope of constructing the new, in other words, to be undermined. 

It is impossible not to note the severity of this word because this action is associated with pain, loss, the need to choose difficult routes, and sometimes taking risks so as not to make new mistakes and not to fall off the set path. But is it worth enduring the pain? What happens if we simply go with the flow? How will our lives turn out then?

Perhaps you will find some answers to these difficult questions.

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